Good evening sir! What a rainy crappy day, although it finally feels slightly warmer out. Slightly. Earlier today was tough, I lost it while thinking of you and everything I am missing. Then when I decided to watch Titanic and felt a freezing cold chill I actually felt a little better. I can still recite that movie mostly verbatim, I even watched the parts I used to fast forward when you were watching it. Annnnnd something just fell down in your bathroom....ok remember now you're welcome to visit me just don't scare me.
I am hoping to get a good night sleep, tomorrow is Monday which means council meeting. I think it will be more of a battle preparation than a meeting, but we shall see...
You and I were always doing nature challenges or hiking challenges either around here or the one in Maine. If some are not familiar the CT DEP Leave no Child Inside website has great suggestions for getting outside and enjoying time outside. Most of the places are free or really cheap. Unless you took the picture of us (makes me smile to think you thought I was pretty), I only took a picture of me during these challenges. I am so glad now we did :)
Another pic from the Philly Zoo! This guy was so freaking cool! Remember we were walking around after we saw the safari type animals, this peacock was just walking down the sidewalk. No joke! Just strutting his stuff down the sidewalk, like "hey, what's happening"
Then of course is your adorable face, we were at a butterfly exhibit I believe that one was at the Norwalk Aquarium. We went to a few of these types of exhibits, but I think that is where that one was. You loved butterflies, except that one time in Niagara Falls.....sssssh....
Ok going to hit the hay and get ready for war time talks tomorrow. Goodnight Goose "Goodnight Moose" See you in the morning "See you in the morning" I love you "I love you too" Always, always? Always, always.